BIO-V9 CELLUTONE – New! Body reshape, reduce cellulite and smooth skin
Looking to reduce cellulite quickly?
BIO-V9 CELLUTONE is a non-invasive medical grade body contouring treatment
with mechanical vacuum suction massage techniques to breakdown the stubborn fat
to reduce the appearance of cellulite, slimming, toning, and detoxing. The treatment
is for anyone who wants smooth skin to get rid of cellulite, reshape the body, get a
2/2 slimmer and toner body. The best treatment to combine with a weight loss
30 mins £70.00
45 mins £100.00
60 mins £125.00
Course of 3 sessions 30 mins £170.00
Course of 3 sessions 45 mins £240.00
Course of 3 sessions 60mins £320.00
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